
Oh, Autumn.

I apologize if you guys are getting sick of these photos. It’s such a fleeting season that I never really get tired of them. I feel like you really can take too many pictures of flowers, but turning leaves? It’d take a swallowing sea of them for me to grow weary of their beauty.

How was your weekend?

Stay in touch at: Facebook | Ravelry | Goodreads | Pinterest | last.fm | flickr


Just a quick note that I’ve moved my blog from lieslmade.wordpress.com to lieslmade.com.

For those of you reading this post in a reader (like Google Reader or Bloglovin’), you may need to change the feed URL. This is the new feed: lieslmade.com/feed/

Hope to see you over there. :)

Gratitude Sunday

Another week, another list of gratitudes.
Join in Gratitude Sunday with Taryn and others over at Wooly Moss Roots.

Sitting around a fire with my family. (And the dog and the cat. And hot cocoa and apple pie!)
Pizza lunch date with my Mom.
Fitting in an evening walk most nights.
Finding some of last year’s pumpkin in the freezer and baking with it.
That my loved ones feel they can lean on me. And do.
The bottle of blue dye I found in the basement.
Which led me to completing a long put off project.
For all the human body can endure.
Good friends joining us for dinner.
That amazing autumn light.

What are YOU grateful for this week?

Stay in touch at: Facebook | Ravelry | Goodreads | Pinterest | last.fm | flickr

Garden 2012

Just a few highlights from the 2012 Garden.

Some Lessons Learned and Goals for Next Year:
Don’t bother with pots, plant celery right in the garden soil.
Make a cucumber trellis (and plant lettuce underneath.)
Keep better records!
And label seeds when planting.
Shut up any holes that may be in the fence to avoid critters getting in!
Use cups, pieces of wood, etc to keep melons off the damp ground. Maybe even tie up a sling?
Try growing garlic and onions for the first time.
(Maybe Brussels sprouts, eggplant too?)
Try to make rhubarb syrup next year.
Netting over the blueberries will not deter birds or squirrels.
Don’t plant the pole beans so close together.

What have you learned this summer from your garden? Are you planning anything different for next year?

Stay in touch at: Facebook | Ravelry | Goodreads | Pinterest | last.fm | flickr

Weekly Finds

I really only have one find for you this week:


You can preview the whole thing free on Grooveshark: here.

PS: Thank you all for your comments on Wednesday’s post about Resistance. It was great to read your comments. Many of them reminded me of this quote by Andy Warhol: “Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”

Stay in touch at: Facebook | Ravelry | Goodreads | Pinterest | last.fm | flickr


A lifestyle blog for the sewing and knitting projects, photography, homemaking adventures, gardening, inspirations and other ramblings of a 20-something artist. (more...)


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