Sunday Breakfast.

Hello there,
I know I said I have a giveaway for you soon, and I do. I swear! I also have a simple tutorial to share! Just a little bit longer. I’m so stinkin’ busy lately.
I did manage to slow down for Easter Sunday, though. We had an awesome breakfast.
Challah Bread.
Dad made challah bread. (Not vegan but with neighbor’s eggs so I could eat some.)
Vegan Crepe.
Vegan Crepes.
He also made the vegan crepes from Veganomicon. They were quite good—especially with strawberries, bananas, blueberries, and a little maple syrup or agave nectar. (We sprinkled with powdered sugar for the photo!)
Vegan Coconut-Lemon Bundt Cake.
And Mom also got into the Veganomicon, making the Coconut-Lemon Bundt Cake.
The overall verdict—everything was delicious!
I’m hoping to attempt to make French macarons this week! I keep seeing them all over the web and think they are so pretty and yummy looking. I did spy this vegan recipe but I think I am going to try Martha’s recipe first (with real eggs) to get the hang of it and see what the dough should look like, etc. Now, to decide on a filling! Any suggestions?

4 Responses to “Sunday Breakfast.”

  1. 1 Sarah April 25, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    I love challah.
    Your Easter looks delicious…somehow ours ended up Mexican, but we were okay with that since the salsa was fresh from the garden : )

  2. 2 Louise April 25, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Although I do a lot of baking, I’ve never been brave enough to try macarons. My daughter has tried them a couple of times, with mixed results, but she is a bit impatient and I don’t think that works with macarons! My favorite flavors are chocolate or raspberry

  3. 3 Sarah May 18, 2011 at 7:20 am

    Are you still out there dear?
    We miss hearing of your creative ventures.
    I hope you’re still doing well.

  4. 4 Maryse May 20, 2011 at 9:59 am

    WOW a treasure box of such delightful treats for fun playing!Thx for the opportunity!

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